
Böcker Den Spännande Astronomin 4:e Upplagan

Böcker Den Spännande Astronomin 4:e Upplagan

Den Spännande Astronomin, 4:e upplagan, av Hans Thorgren Boken är tänkt för gymnasieelever som vill lära sig lite astronomi utöver det som ingår i grundskolans NO-ämnen och gymnasiets fysikkurser. Den kan vara lämplig att använda som ett hjälpmedel vid ett projektarbetet i astronomi eller något annat ämne som berör rymden. Eftersom matematik undvikits kan boken […]

Böcker Den Spännande Astronomin 4:e Upplagan

Böcker Meteors and How to Observe Them

Böcker Meteors and How to Observe Them

Meteors and How to Observe Them Explains what meteors and meteroids are Provides necessary expertise in observing meteors Enables the observer to plan meteor shower “expeditions” well into the future Enables observers to produce scientifically useful data Provides contacts with other individuals and groups devoted to viewing meteor showers ASTRONOMERS’ OBSERVING GUIDES provide up-to-date information […]

Böcker Meteors and How to Observe Them

Böcker Choosing And Using Astronomical Filters

Böcker Choosing And Using Astronomical Filters

Choosing and Using Astronomical Filters Provides an in-depth look at the telescope accessories known as astronomical filters Includes the history of different types of filters, their uses and specialist techniques Features a basic guide to using Adobe Photoshop to further enhance images Includes an observational guide to 100 astronomical objects that you can see better […]

Böcker Choosing And Using Astronomical Filters

Böcker William and Caroline Herschel

Böcker William and Caroline Herschel

William and Caroline Herschel – Pioneers in Late 18th-Century Astronomy, Author: Michael Hoskin Michael Hoskin visar att William Herschel var den första observationskosmologen och en av de första observatörerna som attackerade det sideriska universum bortom solsystemet: Herschel byggde instrument mycket bättre än någon annan som användes vid det kungliga observatoriet. Med hjälp av sin syster […]

Böcker William and Caroline Herschel

Böcker Stargazing Under Suburban Skies

Böcker Stargazing Under Suburban Skies

Enables observers to find popular and more unusual objects for a varied and interesting observing session Shows town dwellers how to make the most of their limited horizons and skies Includes original images and detailed charts to find objects that may not be easily visible without a telescope Provides a list that is complemented by […]

Böcker Stargazing Under Suburban Skies

Böcker Visually Observing Comets

Böcker Visually Observing Comets

Includes suggestions for observing periodic comets in addition to finding new comets Small trim size and to-the-point text make this ideal for use as an on-the-go-reference Explains the possibilities for an amateur observer to make a significant contribution to planetary science through comet-spotting In these days of computers and CCD cameras, visual comet observers can […]

Böcker Visually Observing Comets

Böcker The Mythology of the Night Sky

Böcker The Mythology of the Night Sky

Stands as a unique single-source reference, for astronomers and for anyone interested in classical literature. Organized by season for convenient practical observations. Gives practical observation data for stellar and deep-sky features, as well as observing and imaging tips. Serves as a great resource for astronomy lectures and star parties. The Mythology of the Night Sky, […]

Böcker The Mythology of the Night Sky

Böcker Observing Nebulae

Böcker Observing Nebulae

Observing Nebulae This book enables anyone with suitable instruments to undertake an examination of nebulae and see or photograph them in detail. Nebulae, ethereal clouds of gas and dust, are among the most beautiful objects to view in the night sky. These star-forming regions are a common target for observers and photographers. Griffiths describes many […]

Böcker Observing Nebulae

Böcker Digital SLR Astrophotography

Böcker Digital SLR Astrophotography

Digital SLR Astrophotography Digital SLR cameras have made it easier than ever before to photograph the night sky. Whether you’re a beginner, nature photographer, or serious astronomer, this is the definitive handbook to capturing the heavens. Starting with simple projects for beginners such as cameras on tripods, it then moves onto more advanced projects including […]

Böcker Digital SLR Astrophotography

Böcker Budget Astrophotography

Böcker Budget Astrophotography

Budget Astrophotography, Authors: Jensen, Timothy J. Here are clear explanations of how to make superb astronomical deep-sky images using only a DSLR or webcam and an astronomical telescope – no expensive dedicated CCD cameras needed! The book is written for amateur astronomers interested in budget astrophotography – the deep sky, not just the Moon and […]

Böcker Budget Astrophotography

Böcker Mysteries of galaxy-formation

Böcker Mysteries of galaxy-formation

Mysteries of galaxy-formation, Authors: COMBES, Francoise The mystery of how the galaxies formed is a complex and intriguing subject, involving several different theories and an understanding of many different phenomena. Françoise Combes outlines the context in which the Big Bang and the expansion of the universe occurred and the first inhomogeneities from which arose the […]

Böcker Mysteries of galaxy-formation

Böcker The Chemical Cosmos – A Guided Tour

Böcker The Chemical Cosmos – A Guided Tour

The Chemical Cosmos – A Guided Tour, Author: Steve Miller If you have ever wondered how we get from the awesome impersonality of the Big Bang universe to the point where living creatures can start to form, and evolve into beings like you, your friends and your family, wonder no more. Steve Miller provides us […]

Böcker The Chemical Cosmos – A Guided Tour

Böcker Sketching the Moon

Böcker Sketching the Moon

Sketching the Moon, Authors: Handy, R., Kelleghan, D., McCague, Th., Rix, E., Russell, S. Soon after you begin studying the sky through your small telescope or binoculars, you will probably be encouraged by others to make sketches of what you see. Sketching is a time-honored tradition in amateur astronomy and dates back to the earliest […]

Böcker Sketching the Moon

Böcker Tim Peake and Britain’s Road to Space

Böcker Tim Peake and Britain’s Road to Space

Tim Peake and Britain’s Road to Space – Författare: Erik Seedhouse For centuries the British developed a reputation as a nation of explorers. From Francis Drake’s circumnavigation of the globe to the ascent of Everest, British explorers crossed oceans and continents and ventured where few, if any, had gone before. Until very recently, that legacy […]

Böcker Tim Peake and Britain’s Road to Space

Böcker Astrophotography Is Easy!

Böcker Astrophotography Is Easy!

Astrophotography is Easy! Focuses on true beginners in astrophotography, assuming no prior knowledge of the subject Covers the scientific background, necessary equipment, and field techniques for photographing the sky Avoids overly technical material in favor of a casual, reader-friendly guide There are many books covering different facets of astrophotography, but few of them contain all […]

Böcker Astrophotography Is Easy!

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