
Mars and How to Observe It

Mars and How to Observe It

Mars and How to Observe It, Authors: Grego, Peter Mars has long been a favorite subject for astronomers, both amateur and professional. Known as the Red Planet because of its distinct color, it shines brightly in the skies when it is closest to the Earth every two years. Exciting to view through a telescope, this […]

Mars and How to Observe It

Starlight – Keith Robinson

Starlight – Keith Robinson

Starlight, Authors: Robinson, Keith There are so many questions, and in this engaging and informative book by Keith Robinson, which serves as a companion to his very popular earlier book called Spectroscopy the Key to the Stars, you will learn the basics of stellar physics and the answers to many of these questions, as well […]

Starlight – Keith Robinson

Spectroscopy: The Key to the Stars

Spectroscopy: The Key to the Stars

Spectroscopy: The Key to the Stars, av Keith Robinson Any amateur astronomer who carries out observational spectroscopy and who wants a non-technical account of the physical processes which determine the intensity and profile morphology of lines in stellar spectra will find this is the only book written specially for them. It is an ideal companion […]

Spectroscopy: The Key to the Stars

The far side of the moon

The far side of the moon

The far side of the moon, Authors: Byrne, Charles The photographs show each part of the far side in the most favorable resolution and sun angle. There are many high-altitude oblique photos that provide a feeling of being in space this book is more like a photographic tour of the far side than an atlas. […]

The far side of the moon

Space Tethers and Space Elevators

Space Tethers and Space Elevators

The Science and Art of Using Telescopes, Authors: Pugh, Philip On Earth, tethers or ropes or lines are used primarily to bind things to each other. In Space, tethers can also be used to attach spacecraft to each other, but this technology involves much more than simply tying things together. Ropes can also be used […]

Space Tethers and Space Elevators

The Tunguska Mystery

The Tunguska Mystery

The Tunguska Mystery, Authors: Rubtsov, Vladimir Editors: Ashpole, Edward (Ed.) The purpose of the book is a dual one: to detail the nature and results of Tunguska investigations in the former USSR and present-day CIS, and to destroy two long-standing myths still held in the West. The first concerns alleged final solutions that have ostensibly […]

The Tunguska Mystery

Astronomical Cybersketching

Astronomical Cybersketching

Astronomical Cybersketching, Authors: Grego, Peter What is cybersketching? It is using a small computer, such as a laptop or a PDA, to make a sketch of what you see through your telescope or even with your naked eye. Particularly good subjects are the Moon and the brighter planets, but even deep space has much to […]

Astronomical Cybersketching

Galaxy Collisions

Galaxy Collisions

Galaxy Collisions – Forging New Worlds from Cosmic Crashes, Authors: Struck, Curtis Galaxy collisions are the key process in building galaxies, triggering the formation of stars and the build-up of heavy elements that allow the formation of planets and solar systems. This book presents the revolutionary research advances achieved in the last decade and lucidly […]

Galaxy Collisions

Cosmic Collisions

Cosmic Collisions

Cosmic Collisions, Authors: Christensen, Lars Lindberg, de Martin, Davide, Shida, Raquel Yumi Like majestic ships in the grandest night, galaxies can slip ever closer until their mutual gravitational interaction begins to mold them into intricate figures that are finally, and irreversibly, woven together. It is an immense cosmic dance, choreographed by gravity. Cosmic Collisions contains […]

Cosmic Collisions

Make Time For The Stars

Make Time For The Stars

Make Time for the Stars by Antony Cooke Perhaps you have a telescope from years ago, which you used a few times, then put it away in a closet, where it has been gathering dust ever since. Could you still use that telescope, or do you have to buy a new one? And what about […]

Make Time For The Stars

Lunar Outpost

Lunar Outpost

Lunar Outpost, by Erik Seedhouse Ger en detaljerad redogörelse för olika tekniker, uppdragsarkitekturer, medicinska krav och utbildning som behövs för att återföra människor till månen inom det kommande decenniet. Den fokuserar på sättet att bygga en utpost på månen och behandlar också viktiga ämnen som företagets kostnader och de roller som privata företag och enskilda […]

Lunar Outpost

NASAs Scientist-Astronauts

NASAs Scientist-Astronauts

NASA’s Scientist-Astronauts by David, Shayler, Burgess, Colin NASA och industristudier fortsatte att undersöka möjligheter som kunde leda till att de första rymdstationerna skapades med överskott av Apollo-hårdvara, genom Apollo Applications Program (AAP). Det fanns också ett växande intresse inom militären att skapa sitt eget bemannade rymdstationsprogram, genomföra experiment i omloppsbana och forskning med strategiska fördelar […]

NASAs Scientist-Astronauts

Lunar And Planetary Rovers

Lunar And Planetary Rovers

Lunar and Planetary Rovers, Authors: Young, Anthony Den berättar också historien om robotrovers som används på Mars, och avslutas med en beskrivning av de nya designerna av rovers som planeras för The New Vision for Exploration av ​NASA. Boken ger omfattande citat från astronauterna som körde LRV på månen från intervjuer gjorda speciellt för boken. […]

Lunar And Planetary Rovers

Praxis Manned Spaceflight Log 1961-2006

Praxis Manned Spaceflight Log 1961-2006

Praxis Manned Spaceflight Log 1961-2006, Authors: Furniss Tim, Shayler David, Shayler, Michael D. There is an image depicting each manned spaceflight, and data boxes containing brief biographies of all the space travelers. The main text is a narrative of each mission, its highlights and accomplishments, including the strange facts and humorous stories connected to every […]

Praxis Manned Spaceflight Log 1961-2006

Planetary Ring Systems

Planetary Ring Systems

Planetary Ring Systems, Authors: Miner, Ellis D., Wessen, Randii R., Cuzzi, Jeffrey N. The authors cover the scientific significance of ring studies, the history of their discovery and characterization, the observations of Pioneer 10 at Jupiter, Pioneer 11 and Voyager 1 at Jupiter and Saturn, Voyager 2 at all four giant planets of the solar […]

Planetary Ring Systems

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